The PPL story

On May 2, 1968, milk entered for the first time into the Pilot Plant and since then it has worked without interruption.

How it all started...

Denmark - Peru agreement

In May 1968, the PPL began its activities, thanks to the valuable management of the engineer Francisco Sylvester, director of the then academic zootentry program, before his Excellency the ambassador of Denmark, Mr. Van Hoelgard.

The Danish government donated the equipment and supported with the technical assistance required, having as a counterpart the engineer Miguel Lora de Saint Paulet, who was in charge of the project (construction and equipment) and then assumed the leadership of the project.

foto antigua de la ppl

Dairy products elaborated in the Milk Pilot Plant of La Molina National Agrarian University, "the authentic preparation"

Golden anniversary of the PPL

On Friday, June 1, 2018, coinciding with World Milk Day, UNALM was filled with pride and celebrated the 50th Anniversary of the PPL, in a very emotional event of transcendental importance for the institution and the country.

"In these 50 years have passed through the plant 50 million liters of milk and more important, 3000 students who learned not only how milk is processed, but also how an agro-industrial plant is handled". -Engineer Miguel Lora